Plant where the rose will receive 6 or more hours of sunlight per day.
Southern and Western exposure is best.
Plant in well drained soil that is rich and loamy. You can use organic matter or planting mix to help prepare your soil.
Plant where rose will have plenty of growing space (3’ x 3’)and will let air circulated.

Water in morning
Deep watering once every 5 days or as needed.

Fertilize when they are in full leaf and again after first bloom and six weeks before first fall frost.

Applying a light layer of mulch (1-2”) will help keep the root system cool and moist and discourage weeds.

When dead-heading a rose cut at a diagonal approximately 3-5 leaf sets down from the flower where a leaf set of 5 is.

Prune most roses ½ their height so they don’t become dislodged from the ground in the winter winds.
Mulch their root system and tie the canes together if needed.
After winter, remove any winter damage; old, dry, or brittle wood.

Climbers - Climbing habit, needs trellis or support system, vigorous growth that can be rained vertically or horizontally, space 4-5’ apart.

English or David Austin – hybrid crosses between old and modern roses, doubles, “cabbage” rose liik, strong fragrance, casual, cottage, bush form, repeat flowering, great for informal landscapes, space 2-4’ apart.

Floribunda – 2nd to largest class of roses with clustered blooms, when cut can be an entire bouquet, shorter than a hybrid tea, bushy habit, space 2-3’ apart.

Grandiflora – often classed with hybrid teas, tall bush with large, beautiful flowers in clusters on short cutting stems, plant 2-3’ apart.

Groundcover – easy maintenance, spreading type, great for quick color in dry, sunny spot, plant close to cover quickly.

Hedge – used as an easy screen, only rose that you could squeeze into a small space to grow together, usually easy maintenance.

Hybrid Tea – largest class of roses, most popular, classic, true, cutting rose, large, gorgeous blooms set on top of tall vertical stems, comes in broad variety of fragrances, plant 2-3’ apart.

Miniature – small bush growing 2-3’ tall with perfect, mini blooms, great for container gardens.

Shrub/Rugosa – low maintenance, landscaper’s favorite, with little pruning and few disease problems, bushy and vigorous for borders and cottage look, space 2-4’ apart.

Tree Rose – standard, grafted rose on top, focal point in the formal garden, requires special winter protection.