Stock - Stock is a tender perennial offering a spicy scent that is most intense in the evening. It offers bright colored spikes of flowers that grow 12" or more above its gray-green foliage. Stock blooms in colors of white, pink, red, lavender or purple. Plant Stock in a sunny spot with well drained soil. For a fuller plant, pinch back the growing tips before it buds. Heliotrope - Heliotrope is an awesome container plant that not only smells of warm vanilla, but it also attacts butterflies. This plant is a little paticular as it likes evenly moist soil. Also, don't let it dry out completely because it will cause the lower leaves to drop. As the blooms turn brown, lightly brush with your hand to remove the faded blooms. After the whole cluster of blooms fade, pinch it back to the first set of leaves to promote more blooming. Lily of the Valley - Although this plant may get overlooked in your garden, it's fragrance will consume your senses in late spring. It's tiny bell shaped flowers and tidy green leaves will spread into a lush mass in deep shade. The flowers will last approximately 1 week when cut and put into a vase to enjoy indoors. Dianthus - You will be sure to enjoy the clovelike frangrance from these flowers on warm, sunny days. This plant grows well in rock gardens, or as a border of a stone or brick pathway in full sun. Deadheading is necessary if you want it to rebloom. Hyacinth - A strong floral scent will fill the air best on warm, damp days. Plant these bulbs in the fall in groups of 3 to 5 in full sun to part shade. For the biggest and most colorful blooms add compost to your soil. Lilac Bush (Syringa) - Most fragrant of all flowering shrubs are the lilac bush. Red, purple, blue, pink, or white flowers appear in late spring. They are most fragrant after a rain shower has passed. Lilacs need 6 or more house of sun each day to produce the most blooms. Passion Flower - The scent from this paticular plant is most noticeable on calm sunny days. It's "exotic" like flower lasts for just one day, however the plant produces enough buds to last from summer to frost. Since it is not hardy in our area it makes a great container plant as long as it is placed next to a support it can grow on. Plant in full sun to part shade.