Normal Sugary (SU) – Isolate from field corn, popcorn, ornamental corn, and supersweets.
Germination / Soil Temp. - 55 to 60 degrees or warmer. Synergistic Enhanced (any combo of SU, SE, or SH2) – Isolate from field corn, popcorn, ornamental corn, supersweets, and SU types. Soil Temperature - Wait until soil is moist and warm (65 degrees or higher). Another option is to plant under a clear plastic row cover to trap in solar heat. How & Where to Plant – Your corn patch should be square or rectangular. Plant approx. 8”apart in rows 3 feet apart. (Check recommendations on seed pack). Fertilize and Water – Fertilize with 10-10-10 (or similar) right after seeds sprout. Fertilize again when stalks are tasseling. Use about 2 cups per 25 feet of row. Water especially from the time silks are forming until about 2 weeks after they turn brown. This is a crucial time when kernels form and fill out. |