Rose Care
English or David Austin – hybrid crosses between old and modern roses, doubles, “cabbage” rose liik, strong fragrance, casual, cottage, bush form, repeat flowering, great for informal landscapes, space 2-4’ apart. Floribunda – 2nd to largest class of roses with clustered blooms, when cut can be an entire bouquet, shorter than a hybrid tea, bushy habit, space 2-3’ apart. Grandiflora – often classed with hybrid teas, tall bush with large, beautiful flowers in clusters on short cutting stems, plant 2-3’ apart. Groundcover – easy maintenance, spreading type, great for quick color in dry, sunny spot, plant close to cover quickly. Hedge – used as an easy screen, only rose that you could squeeze into a small space to grow together, usually easy maintenance. Hybrid Tea – largest class of roses, most popular, classic, true, cutting rose, large, gorgeous blooms set on top of tall vertical stems, comes in broad variety of fragrances, plant 2-3’ apart. Miniature – small bush growing 2-3’ tall with perfect, mini blooms, great for container gardens. Shrub/Rugosa – low maintenance, landscaper’s favorite, with little pruning and few disease problems, bushy and vigorous for borders and cottage look, space 2-4’ apart. Tree Rose – standard, grafted rose on top, focal point in the formal garden, requires special winter protection. |