The 2024 berry season has ended!!!  Thank you for your support!!!


 *Strawberries are $6.25/heaping quart (Small price for major flavor!)

*In the event of rain in the early morning we may not pick.  (We don't want our strawberry pickers to melt.)

*Also, please keep in mind that we do run out so be sure to call before heading out to get your berries.

*You may call each day after 9 am when the strawberry status is updated for the day.  We will also be updating the message throughout the day.

*You can also find the strawberry status through our social media platforms as well as our phone app.

*Our strawberry season  will go for approximately 3-4 weeks. (Which means after that, you will have to wait another whole year until you are able to get that sweet sweet Wolf Berry again:( 

*We accept cash or check only please.